Tuesday 10 May 2016

Chicken Stew and Tortillas (by G)

Tortilla Tuesday again... this time I cut a small chicken into pieces, fried them off then added onion, coriander stems, oregano, hot paprika, a green chilli and some onion garlic paste (in place of garlic, which I had forgotten to buy). I was hoping to also add some cumin but, inexplicably, we don't appear to own any...

After all that had fried a little while I added a tin of chopped tomatoes, chicken stock and some cannelloni beans (also from a tin). That all simmered for about an hour then I served it up in a bowl with some store bought tortillas on the side. I found some weird garlic butter type stuff in the fridge (it came with a recent BBQ delivery) so I put a dollop of that on the side. This turned out to be an error because the flavour was not good or complimentary. The weird garlic butter stuff was the only low point in what was otherwise a pretty good meal.

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