Monday 19 September 2016

Twice Cooked Chicken, Chips and Salad (by Biggs)

I decided to use up some leftovers this evening mainly because I couldn't be arsed going to the supermarket. I knew I had salad from Saturday and chips in the freezer. I also thought I had a slab of bacon alas - of course I didn't. Who can keep bacon in their house for more than 1/2 hour.

I did have three drumsticks and considered crumbing them. I wanted to pre-cook them first because I never trust chicken to cook so made up a broth of chicken stock, paprika, chili flakes and bay leaves to gentle cook them in.

I totally over did it and then wasn't in the mood to crumb them so I just fried them off a bit to try and get a crispy skin - fail. I'm failing a lot in the kitchen these days.

I chopped up the salad in a slightly different way to Saturday for variety and dumped the chips on the side.

Must. Try. Harder.

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