Tuesday 12 July 2016

Chef's Night Out Inspired Tortillas (by Biggs)

G got me hooked on watching Vice Munchies Chef's Night Out and now....I. Can't. Stop.Watching. I was watching drunkenly the other night so the details are a touch sketchy but remember a chef making awesome looking pork tortillas with a fried egg on top. They looked simple and delicious. I over complicated things a bit and they were certainly didn't in any way resemble what'd I'd seen but they were delicious.

I still  had some white corn tortillas so used them as a base. I ashamedly used some pre-pulled pulled pork. As in, pre-pulled by a supermarket staff member as opposed to me. I did go to the effort of mixing some black beans through it which is really just the effort of opening a tin.

Then I layered on some corn salsa with capsicum, chilli and coriander. Topped with fried eggs, feta cheese, more chilli and coriander. I did an absolute shit job of the eggs but G generously offered up our aging fry pan as the one at fault.

I'm starting to find the cooking process a little off putting in that, after I've dicked around making dinner I just don't seem to be in the mood for eating it. No matter - just means I've got lunch made for tomorrow. Leftovers are always better right?

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