Wednesday 20 April 2016

Wings, wings, wings (by G)

At the market on the weekend I couldn't resist getting a kilo of wings (just the fleshy bits). Wings are the best thing ever so $6 did not seem too high a price for eternal happiness.

I didn't go to too much effort to prepare these wings, just a 24 hour brining then a couple of hours in the oven at varying temperatures (low - too slow; high - too quick; medium - just right). Once the wings were brown, tender and not raw I dusted them with a blend of finely ground salt, pepper, msg, and hot paprika.

I had intended to get some carrots and celery to have as sticks on the side, but forgot to buy any. I did find a celery nub in the fridge which I salvaged a few sad looking sticks from. I also served the wings with a store bought roasted garlic mayonnaise type thing that I added some grated parmesan to - as a dipping sauce.

Eternal happiness achieved - at least for a day.

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