Friday 18 December 2015

Market Food and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches (by Biggs)

Red was in town this evening, visiting from Melbourne, so I took her to one of my favourite places to eat - the West End Friday Night Markets. The plan was to walk around and peruse everything that was on offer and then make a decision on eats after the grand tour. I don't think Red quite got the concept because she stopped at every single food stall and said "yep, let's get that". She wanted all the things. Understandable really. Everything looked pretty delicious.

In the end we decided on a pork bun entrĂ©e - they were fine. We followed them with a great paella. Then, EXCELLENT ribs. Lastly, we decided we were going to have some calamari but it was going to be an ungodly wait so I just picked us up some gyoza instead.

Then were went out and got very drunk so Red offered to make us a midnight snack of toasted ham and cheese sandwiches. She was totally on top of the prep side of things but once they got in the pan I think she lost interest. I mentioned a burning smell which triggered her back into action. Though a little burnt they were pretty great. There was also midnight red wine.

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