Saturday 30 January 2016

Salami Pizza (by Biggs)

Today I moved to Melbourne! I had such grand plans to embrace my new city to the fullest during my first weekend but I somehow picked up a dreaded lurgy on my last night in Brisbane. Like, seriously dreaded, black death type dreaded. Frankly, I'm surprised they let me on the plane. But, they did, so here I am.

Red invited me to a family dinner of pulled pork rolls and whisky which I was super keen for but completely incapable of attending.....due to the black death. With that being said I refused not to have a welcome beer so we went to the closest pub before Red headed off and I curled up on her couch to die.

I choked down a beer and a pizza out of sheer determined will-power alone. I have very little will-power for anything else while I'm dreadfully unwell but a Welcome Beer and Pizza? I do what I can.


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