Sunday 6 September 2015

Crocodile, Chips and Curry Sauce (by Biggs)

I was watching a British cooking show the other day and a lady made fish and chips served with curry sauce and pickled onions. An intriguing combination I'd never heard of before - must be a UK chippie thing.

I decided to give it a go but with the Australian twist of using crocodile instead of fish. Admittedly I thought crocodile would taste pretty similar to fish but it turns out it really, really does "taste like chicken".

Home-made chips is an effort I usually try to avoid but turns out they're actually not too much of a challenge as long as you've got a vat of oil handy. I did have a vat of oil handy and took advantage of it for both the chips and the battered crocodile. The batter was quite a success - equal parts flour and beer along with two eggs and a generous amount of old bay spice.

I think dinner would have been quite good but the chips and crocodile got a bit knackered waiting in the oven while I was making a curry sauce. I was a touch too generous with the seasonings in the sauce so it turned out to be more of a salt sauce than a curry sauce - disappointing.

G was also convinced part of his crocodile was undercooked but I think it was just a fatty bit. It seems crocodile fat doesn't crackle up like I'd hoped.

The pickled onions were not pickled by me and whoever pickled them did a much better job than I ever could.

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