Thursday 10 September 2015

Lamb Cutlets with Anchovy Broccoli (by Biggs)

I've been craving 80's crumbed lamb cutlets for a while now and found this menu suggestion on the Gormet magazine website. Broccoli cooked in anchovy jus? Yes!

I must admit these weren't the crispy over-cooked cutlets I remember from my youth and thus a touch disappointing. But, I think I did actually cook them quite well. A double crumb in a thyme and parmesan crumb fryed to medium (accidentally a touch darkened by an initial high heat). They weren't super flavourful but I'm on a current salt ban after a recent INCIDENT.

I also thought the broccoli, cooked down in chicken stock, garlic and anchovy, was salty enough. Definitely freshened up nicely with a squeeze of lime. It was meant to be lemon but can you believe that the (big chain) supermarket did not house one single lemon?

The best bit of dinner was that Fi and I, when we met for lunch today, got to go on an anchovy hunt through the Valley delis. I now happily own many an anchovy variety.

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