Thursday 5 November 2015

Pasillo de Carnes Asadas (by G)

I got into Oaxaca in the late afternoon and decided to check out some of the markets. One of them turned out to have an awesome alley lined with little stalls selling strips of meat that they grill up on a charcoal grill for you. There are probably a dozen little stalls all of which seem pretty much the same. I picked the closest one to a vacant seat and got a mix of chorizo, pork and beef. It´s awesome you just get a bowl lined with butchers paper and filled with tortillas and a bunch of meat. Another little store comes around offering beer, salads and salsas. I got a beer and some guacamole.

The chargrilled meats were excellent - surprisingly the beef was tastier than either the chorizo or the pork. I´m pretty sure nothing like this exists where I live and that´s a major shame -  if I was running things everyone would be within easy walking distance from an alley of grilled meats at all times.

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