Sunday 22 November 2015

Hot Dog (by Biggs)

So, I officially started holidays this weekend but haven't quite slipped into holiday mode yet. Perhaps it was my hangover from yesterdays pub crawl but I spent most of today huddled in bed ignoring the world. I even cancelled on dinner with a friend....a massive regret upon reflection because the company probably would have been healthy for me but also because he's an amazing cook.

Later in the evening I wandered the streets looking for dumplings or Japanese or something great but most places were closed and I'd pretty much given up. I knew there was a Lord of the Fries near my hotel so picked up a vege hot dog on the way back. The first bite was pretty good, the next uninspiring, the rest fairly terrible. Probably not their fault given my mood.

But, that is an awful lot of tomato sauce on my fries given I asked for no sauce.

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