Wednesday 1 July 2015

Mushroom and Tomato Pasta (by G)

I cut corners with dinner which made it turn out a little different to what I had expected. The original plan was to chop up a shit load of mushrooms fry them off and stir them through some pasta. It occurred to me that it would be much easier if I just ran the mushrooms through the food processor instead - this created a kind of mushroom mush.

I fried it up regardless, added some tomatoes and greens that I had in the fridge - also some garlic and parmesan. The end result had the appearance of something that you would expect to be extruded from one or other end of a very sick dog. 

That mess was stirred through some pasta then hastily topped with a whole lot more parmesan to disguise it a little, and served with some garlic bread.

It was not too bad, if you closed your eyes while eating it.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

I'd forgotten it was Vegetarian Wednesday and was a touch disappointed when I realised there wouldn't be a T-bone steak waiting for me at home but this dinner was fabulous. Savoury....quite rich in the end but great.