Tuesday 4 August 2015

Smokey Beef Tortillas (by G)

I bought a bottle of liquid smoke the other day and, keen to try it out, decided tortillas would be the perfect time to try it out.

I marinated strips of beef in paprika, onion powder, coriander powder, cumin, oregano and liquid smoke then fried it off. To pad out the beef a little I also made a salsa of cucumber, capsicum, red onion, red chilli and tomato. Regretfully I chopped then tip off one of my fingers while dicing the tomato and ceased all salsa production from that point so the balance between tomato and all the other ingredients was a little bit off.

I thought the meat was pretty flavourful - Biggs couldn't really taste the smokiness so I guess I'll have to ramp it up in future.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

I think G out flavoured the smokey. Good tortillas though. We should really DIY tortillas again one day soon.