Friday 30 May 2014

Kai Kwam (by Biggs)

What's Kai Kwam you ask?

Fried eggs stuffed with pork and seafood! That's what Kai Kwam is.

I wanted to cook something a bit challenging and interesting for dinner so opened up Charmaine Soloman's The Complete Asian Cookbook so see what her thoughts on the matter were. The first page I opened to mentioned Kai Kwam and I was convinced it was a great idea. It turned out not to be a terrible idea but it sure was a bit wacky.

The way it works is that boiled eggs get stuffed with a mix of pork, prawns, crab, coriander, egg yolks, fish sauce and coconut milk. Then I battered them and fried them. I couldn't see how the batter was going to stay on the eggs and I certainly couldn't see how the eggs were ever possibly going to stay in one piece. But, it sort of did and they sort of did.

I was home a bit late from work so was under the pump to get dinner on the table. As a result almost everything went wrong while I was prepping the meal. The prawn guts got everywhere and made me gag, I burnt myself on the pork, then the can of crab spontaneously exploded all over me. Unrelated to dinner, when I went upstairs to change my clothes after the crab disaster, I discovered an animal had crapped all over my room at some stage throughout the day. It was a fairly gross hour of my life.

Whilst this wasn't the tastiest thing I've ever had (honestly, it really tasted a little bit strange) I was really happy that I tried something new and challenged myself a little. It was quite satisfying. More satisfying was that we got to have a dessert of left over pork rashers.


G said...

It was indeed good to try something new. I thought it was pretty good - the batter was nice and crisp, Biggs tells me it was equal quantities water and flour with some salt - that's a winner.

Meanwhile, I've never seen anyone work so hard at anything ever before.

Tuckeroo said...

I am interested in knowing more about this. The batter is one thing but how did you get the ingredients to be inside the egg.....

Tortilla Tuesday said...

Dear Tuckeroo.

Thank you for your Kai Kwam query. First you must breed a chicken but only feed it pork, prawn and crab. The eggs come out of the chicken pre-stuffed ready for frying.

Alternatively, slice hard-boiled eggs in half, remove yolks, fill holes, jam together with sheer willpower, batter, fry, hope for the best.

All the best, TT.