Thursday 22 May 2014

Sausage Sizzle (by Biggs)

After my Birthday and a night out we got a bit confused about whose cooking night it was last night and both came home with groceries. Because I was tired I came home with sausages, because G got home first we decided he would cook. As a result it was all up to me tonight.

I stuck with the sausage plan. G usually takes about 45 minutes to slow cook sausages and onions so I took a leaf out of his book. Although, I slow cooked the onions to weirdness. But, served with white bread and sausages, it was fine.

Not much more to say.....SAUSAGES!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A1 presentation. I ate with my eyes than I ate with the rest of me - especially the front of my shirt. I first paired my sausages with sriracha, then with tomato sauce - then with bot tomato sauce and sriracha. That's one of the many things I like about sausages - their versatility.