Wednesday 24 June 2015

3x Vegetable Curries $6.50 (by Biggs)

Work today was A LITTLE BIT STRESSFUL and I ended up having to stay back late so, for dinner, I just grabbed some takeaway on the way home.

Indian Kitchen is always a promising bet and a very tasty way to eat vegetarian so I ordered us both the 3 Vegetable Curries for $6.50. There was an eggplant one, a potato and cauliflower curry and a garlic dahl. The dahl was sensational. That would have been plenty for dinner but I'm never sure of G's stomach capacity so also got us a vegetable samosa. I'm super glad I did - it was awesome, spicy and delicious.

The naan from Indian Kitchen is always a highlight. I've never had better naan anywhere. The best bit is that it's about the size of two dinner plates. This one was also incredibly cheesy which was a delight.

All round, dinner was excellent.

1 comment:

G said...

Garlic Dal is my new favourite thing - it was excellent. Also in my list of favourite things is naan so cheesy it makes your heart strain.