Tuesday 16 June 2015

Microwaved Mac & Cheese (by Biggs)

I'm horrendously unwell. Horrendously. I appreciate there's a lot of people in terrible situations in the world right now so I shouldn't feel too sorry for myself but I really do. Disproportionately sorry for myself.

G, demonstrating some very rare compassion for his little sister, asked if he could pick me up anything on the way home. After a day in bed thinking about it I decided a banana and microwavable mac and cheese could be just the thing to fix me. Flavourless, easily palatable nothingness. Nutrients in the banana, warm comfort in the mac and cheese.

It didn't fix me immediately but it definitely didn't make things worse.

Also, I can't actually take the credit for this - G lovingly microwaved it for me. No mean feat given he's never used a microwave before.

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