Friday 5 June 2015

Francesinha (by G)

I don't know where I came across this monstrosity but it was lodged in my brain somehow. Basically, the francesinha is a Portuguese sandwich with all the fillings, topped with cheese and a unique tasting beer sauce.

I don't know that my version is too authentic, it contained chorizo, pork chipolatas, ham and slices of roast beef (the recipe called for steak but I was not in the mood for steak). The sandwich was topped with cheese then popped under the grill to melt it, then over to top of that went the francesinha sauce - beer, tomato paste, whiskey and cayenne pepper simmered with bay leaves then thickened with a milk and cornflour slurry.

It was one of the more unusual things I've eaten lately. Unfortunately I almost filled up quality testing the various ingredients while I was making it and could barely finish my sandwich once it had been completed.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

G and I have embarked on something we're calling Ultimate June, which is essentially just us trying to be marginally better at life. This meal does not meet the Ultimate June guidelines at all. A death dish to be sure but a very tasty one. I liked the weird sauce.