Saturday 13 June 2015

Bacon Hock and Cous Cous (by G)

Biggs was due to be dining elsewhere so I decided to do something not particularly difficult, but vegetable heavy, for dinner.

Not much to it. Simmer bacon hock for 3 hours until it was fall off the bone tender. Blitz up onion, tomato, carrot, Brussels sprouts and zucchini then fry it off and simmer it with cous cous in some of the bacon liquid... then serve the latter topped with the former.

As it turns out Biggs' dinner plans fell through, so I  (reluctantly) split my delicious pork hock with her - I was more than willing to split the vegetable/cous cous shit with her.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

I don't know why G is hiding the vegetables from me and only eating them when I'm out. I actually thought the cous cous was the tastiest thing on the plate....and you all know how much I like the pig.