Sunday 28 June 2015

Average Chinese and/or Vietnamese (by Biggs)

Ultimate June is now officially COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL! I only had one day off this week and squandered it sleeping and drinking beer. Suddenly it was dinner time and I was without groceries or motivation.

So, I put the delivery man in charge. The delivery man brought us a range of very average Chinese and/or Vietnamese food. Some rice, garlic beef, pork chops, chicken skewers and rice paper wraps.

I think G said it best when he stated "This rice is a bit knackered isn't it?". From that point on I had awful flashes of the sort of kitchens that are featured on Kitchen Nightmares. Dinner was then quite unpalatable.

1 comment:

G said...

What an odd and mildly unpleasant combination of textures and flavours. My favourite thing was the quantity - excellent quantities.