Tuesday 20 October 2015

Aeroplane Breakfast (by G)

I figured there would be an issue travelling into the past on 'Back to the future' day. Travelling from Australia to the United States you travel for hours and hours and end up arriving shortly after you left - I think it has something to do with the international date line.

I figured it would create a problem at some stage. The flight did not serve dinner just a snack some time in the afternoon and breakfast at about midnight. Anyway, this is the closest meal I had to regular dinner time - I forget what the other option was but I chose the flan. I was pretty good, a side of mushrooms and beans. I'm not much of a one for fruit or dessert but on planes I always eat and drink everything on offer (even the weird milk) because I know I'll regret not taking in those extra calories if the plane goes down and I find myself stranded on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere.

I accidentally took this photo with the flash on so everyone in economy was alerted to the fact that I'm one of those dickheads who photographs their food - the photo turned out pretty well though...

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