Saturday 28 September 2013

Luisun Pizzeria (by Biggs)

After a big big day of eating, drinking, swimming, dancing and jumping castle fun at todays wedding we were all pretty tuckered out so decided on some drinks and takeaway pizza on our leisure park cabin deck.

Whilst the option of Eagle Boys delivered was tempting due to laziness Alison made the good call of further research. Admittedly further research did involve signing into the Luisun Pizzeria Facebook page to try and obtain the phone number and menu. At this point Alison proclaimed that the Facebook page was just full of "a lot of crap unrelated to pizza.....or even food" but we pushed on and Andrew called them up to ask for two of their finest pizzas. And fine they were!

Pictured are a Capricciosa and a Diablo pizza. The Diablo was my personal favourite with pepperoni, caperberries and anchovies but the Capricciosa was mighty fine too with ham, mushrooms and black olives. The two pizzas were devoured post-haste.

I reflected that I was pretty glad we didn't get Eagle Boys and Dominic of Urban Spoon summed it up with his Eagle Boys Pizza Atherton review.... "It's corporate pizza, pretty much the McDonalds of pizza".

1 comment:

Alex said...

Fantastic! Long may Tortilla Tuesday continue