Tuesday 10 September 2013

Pork and Mango Tortillas (by G)

Finally back on schedule with tortillas on Tuesdays. Though I don't much like fruit in savoury meals I thought a mango salsa would be a good celebration of spring.

The pork mix is made from left over pork ribs from the other night slowly cooked for a few hours in the oven with some coriander powder, cumin powder, onion powder, chicken stock and diced tomatoes.  The salsa is made from diced mango, fresh chilli, mint, fresh coriander and lime juice.

I'm pretty happy with the result, the mango off-set the salty pork perfectly.  I think the salsa would have been better with a bit more mango, but I already had to take out a loan just to buy one.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

After a bite or two of dinner I mentioned to G that it was pretty bloody good.

"Fuck oath", he replied.

Says it all.

I've so missed tortillas.

Thanks N & D for yet another loan of the tortilla press.