Monday 20 October 2014

Bubble 'n' Squeak and Chevaps (by G)

As Biggs is off out this evening I decided not to go to too much effort for dinner. Bubble 'n' Squeak is traditionally a dish for using up leftover vegetables (particularly potato) and meat.

I didn't really have any left over vegetables, just cabbage and shallots. I fried the shallots and some garlic then added some chopped cabbage, boiled and smashed potatoes and blanched carrots.  I debated with myself for a long time as to whether bubble 'n' squeak has eggs in it - in the end, uncharacteristically, I decided it didn't. Just some butter and seasoning - oh, and I did add a whole habanero chilli as well, which is not in keeping with the traditional b'n's spirit.

Chevaps are just skinless European sausages - pretty tasty. They went pretty well with the vegetables, though it was, admittedly, a mistake to add the chilli - it didn't really fit with the comfort meal theme.

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