Friday 24 October 2014

Thursday Sausages and Salad (by Biggs)

This was Thursday night's dinner but I got to the blog a bit late - sorry readers!

You didn't miss much though.The motivation for this meal was to get through some more of our beloved Old Bay Spice. Apparently Old Bay Spice sweet potato fries are a popular thing so I went with that. They were a little disappointing because, even though I put two tablespoons of the spice on them they weren't very flavorful.

Other than that, the rest of the meal was sausages and a salad made up of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and lettuce. Sounds boring right but I did provide a selection of condiments to jazz things up a bit - mayonnaise, kewpie mayonnaise, ceasar dressing, thousand island dressing and sriracha.

1 comment:

G said...

It's probably good to have vegetables once in a while. Happily there were also sausages, one of my favourite vegetables - actually, I'm not sure that they are technically vegetables - all I know is that whatever they are made of is not meat.

The fries were good as fries but Biggs is right, the old bay didn't come through.

I used all the condiments.