Sunday 5 October 2014

More Convenience Store Products (by G)

After staying back and watching the teams pack up after most other spectators had left the Japanese grand prix I then managed to get myself pretty badly geographically embarrassed on my walk back to the train station and as a consequence caught the second last train of the night and got back to Nagoya at about mid-night. I had been eating all day so I was not too hungry but got myself a mid-night snack regardless.

I am a big fan of convenience stores in Japan - so charming that you can buy a business shirt on your way to work after getting wasted and sleeping on the footpath the night before. In order of preference I like Lawson Station, 7 holdings/7-11 and Family Mart.

I'm not sure where tonight's snack came from but there was only one sad piece of chicken in the hotbox, no sausages or steamed buns, so I got that. I was a little uninspired and ended up with some pre-sliced cheese and salami and a non-sliced salami.

The chicken was super greasy, and not in a good way. The pre-sliced cheese and salami were not too bad, but the unsliced snack sized salami was not to my liking at all. Weird textures and flavours -  I ended up not eating the whole thing.

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