Wednesday 29 May 2013

Chicken Pasta (by G)

I was so fond of the tortilla sauce from last night that I thought I'd try something similar with chicken and pasta. A mix of tomato, a whole bunch of coriander, two large de-seeded green chilies, garlic - blitzed and cooked off with the chicken and served over thin fettuccine.

I'm not sure what the flavour was like because I smothered mine in Sriracha - I tend to do that with everything I eat now so I'm not sure which meals taste good and which do not.  Sriracha is possibly the one magical ingredient that could even make tofu taste good.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

Somehow the combination of citrus, coriander and chilli made this dinner really fresh and healthy but super warming at the same time. Very satisfying for a Winter night with cholesterol results still pending.