Thursday 16 May 2013

Potato Gnocchi (by Biggs)

This week the budget is TIGHT so I wasn't sure what I was going to cook for dinner on the cheap. Then I remembered that Curtis chap is always going on about feeding your family of four for $10. It made me think that, theoretically, I could feed my family of two for $5, right? WRONG!

Regardless, based on one of Mr Stone's recipes, tonight I cooked homemade potato gnocchi with zucchini, tomato, parsley and lemon. I know you're not meant to mess with a chef's recipe but I also added some olives and capers for flavour. G does have a fancy gnocchi board but I chose lazily to just use the 'roll and cut' method. Rustic yes? I was also short one egg yolk for the dough because I stupidly thought the fact we had 3 egg cartons in the kitchen may indicate we had plenty of eggs. Wrong again.

I was expecting my gnocchi to be dense and awful but, it was pretty good. A little bit floury and raw potatoey but I expected much worse so am pretty pleased.

1 comment:

G said...

I disagree that the gnocchi was floury and raw potatoey - I do, however, object to not having ridges on my gnocchi. I didn't spend two whole dollars on an gnocchi board imported all the way from Italy to have smooth gnocchi.

Despite the shortcomings the flavour was good olives, capers, tomatoes, Parmesan are a winning combination.

It is a fucking cold night so this meal was very welcome.