Sunday 12 May 2013

Dog Food (by Biggs and G)

For reasons I'm not going to divulge here we found ourselves sitting down to dinner at the Albion Greyhound Track tonight. We went in expecting hot dogs and chips or perhaps a pie but the menu offered good cheap RSL type meals and even featured a Sunday Roast. I went with chicken schnitzel and chips because the roast veges looked pretty soggy. The chicken was spectacularly moist given it looked like it had been sitting in the hot box since Tuesday. If there had been more gravy and less chips this would have been the perfect meal. It was exactly what I was craving this evening. Fortunately G was able to help me out with the chips. I'll hand over him now to explain what that pile of brown is in the distance...

I was torn between the chicken breast in homemade tomato sauce and the bacon wrapped pork loin... inevitably the pork loin won out even though the bacon wrapper was scant and a bit manky looking.  It came with sad frozen vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, beans, carrot and - surprisingly - baby corn).  The roasted vegetables were good, pumpkin cooked correctly and potato seasoned with curry powder, which is not something I've come across before.  Pork was the star though, not dry and impregnated with a bacony flavour.  Again they were a bit stingy with the gravy but it was a pretty good meal.

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