Friday 11 July 2014

Curried Roast Lamb (by G)

I was searching around the internet for something to do with some left-over roast lamb. The lamb did not turn out to be too good when I roasted it so I was waiting for a night when Biggs would be out to have the rest.

This recipe seemed promising because it had curry powder in it - I was a bit dubious because it also had milk. It turned out to be really simple and delicious (which is a good thing because there was a vast quantity for only one person).

First I made some melted butter by melting some butter, then I made a roux by adding flour, then turned the roux into a white sauce by adding milk. The white sauce became a curry sauce when I added curry powder. After that I added some salt and pepper and lamb. It was a bit flavourless so I added some magic 'chicken style' stock and that fixed it.

The lamb mix went into an oven proof pot then I topped it with some crushed boiled potatoes, then cheese, then a small packet of crumbled potato chips. After baking for a little while it was ready eating.

It was phenomenal - the meat had tenderised and picked up a nice savoury curry flavour. Not much on the vegetable front which is no bad thing.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

If G was going to do something good with the lamb I don't know why he waited until I was out. That doesn't seem fair.