Thursday 17 July 2014

Gremolata Turkey (by Biggs)

I asked G to make a protein suggestion for this evenings meal and he decided on turkey. I looked up a bunch of turkey recipes on the internet but they were all fairly uninspiring so I turned to a ' Delicious' magazine I got on the weekend. It didn't have any turkey recipes in it so I just went through all the chicken recipes that I thought could be enhanced by turkey.

I think I've only eaten turkey three times - once I ate a whole turkey leg at the Minnesota State Fair, then I ate (almost) a whole Turducken last Christmas and once I tried turkey tortillas. My memory of each of  these occasions is that turkey is a super meaty meat.

The recipe I went with was a nice Summer dish of vegetables and gremolata. It wasn't really enhanced by turkey but it did require a mandoline and as you know I am very new to mandoline ownership (and still not in hospital - success).

The vegetables were cute little baby asparagus, some peas and beautifully mandolined zucchini. The vegetables were cooked off with some butter and lemon. The turkey was oven roasted with butter, lemon, red onion and chili.

Dinner was topped with gremolata - a "chopped herb condiment". I should have used the description on Wiki as the recipe - would have been tastier. It was good but would have been much nice if it wasn't the middle of Winter.

Oh, there was also parmesan.


1 comment:

G said...

This seemed like a pretty healthy dinner, tasty too. The turkey was oddly lacking in flavour - it had a good large grained texture that I liked though.