Monday 14 July 2014

Steak with Blue Cheese Sauce (by G)

I bought blue cheese on an impulse the other day. Rather than just eat it as a snack I decided I should probably share the joy and incorporate it in dinner.

Nothing says blue cheese like blue cheese sauce so I made one of those - simply by adding blue cheese to cream and applying heat. It turned out a bit grey because I later added fried meat pan juices.

There are four vegetables with dinner because I bought mushrooms forgetting that I had corn at home. I remembered when I got home, then immediately forgot about the corn again until about 5 minutes to dinner being served. The carrots were simmered in magic chicken style stock so I used the left over to stock to quick cook the corn.

I attempted to make a potato rosti - as usual it turned out to be shit. The mushroom was not as great as I'd hoped because I bought 'buttery' non-butter instead of butter and it did not add the flavour to the mushrooms that I was hoping for - I added some gruyere to the mushrooms to add a touch of blandish cholesterol.

The steak was pretty gristly but all in all it was an edible dinner.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

This was good good good. I licked my plate clean and then went into the kitchen to lick clean the sauce pan. That's a pan for sauce. Otherwise known as a saucepan.