Wednesday 16 July 2014

Spaghetti and Blue Cheese Stuffed Meatballs (by G)

I had some leftover blue cheese so I stuffed it into some meatballs and topped spaghetti with them.

The spaghetti sauce consisted of slow fried onion and garlic, tinned tomatoes, lemon zest, paprika, garlic powder, some sour old white wine, lemon juice and just about a whole bunch of fresh basil.  The sauce was a bit bland when I tasted it so I added some soy sauce - I don't know if that did anything but the sauce turned out not to be terrible.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

More blue cheese, GREAT! It's cold and wintery so a pasta sauce with a slight hit of chili was welcome. I had a perfect last bite of meat, cheese and chili tomato. Yum.