Tuesday 22 July 2014

Tortilla Pi (approximation) and Chips (by G)

Today is pi approximation day as well as Tortilla Tuesday - a quandary that I solved by making pie shells out of tortillas, filling them with mince, topping them with cheese and calling them pies.

The mince was a mix of beef mince and left over roast chicken that was simmered in tomato and stock, along with red onion, garlic, paprika, oregano, cumin and garlic powder.  I may have under flavoured the meat a little.

A pie isn't a pie without chips so I store bought some chilli&lime corn chips - I thought they were a bit heavy on lurid red artificial dye.

In-case you would like to make tortilla pie casings yourself at home (or in the office) all you have to do is invert a muffin tin, press the tortillas between the lumples and oven bake them for about 15 minutes.


Biggs said...

Alternatively you could just use those wacky 'stand and stuff' (there's probably a copyright on those words) tortilla pie shells that were already thought of by a major tortilla / taco multinational.

These were a great idea....with very acceptable execution.

Biggs said...

When I say 'these' (no copyright) I mean dinner....the dinner that G just cooked.

Great and acceptable.