Thursday 9 April 2015

Chicken Pad Thai (by Biggs)

I like Pad Thai. It's quite possibly in my top ten most enjoyed meals.

I'd like to say that I made the sauce - it's easy enough to do after all. However, I used jar sauce. Flavourless, flavourless jar sauce. When will I learn?

I'm terrible at quick stir fried dishes and can't help but overcook everything. I was determined to just flash fry everything this time alas it still all turned out fairly gloopy.

Despite these atrocities, dinner was still pretty good. Chicken, carrot, snow peas and spring onions were fried off, eggs, jar sauce and noodles were added and the whole lot was topped off with peanuts, bean sprouts, coriander and lime.

The supermarket had sold out of real coriander and it's virtually ungrowable in our garden so my hand was forced to buy some of that wanky microherb stuff. Sigh.

1 comment:

G said...

Biggs was battling against the sauce with this meal - I saw it in the kitchen and it was labled something like 'Generic Thai Sauce'. It was a bit too sweet for my liking but dinner was otherwise very good.