Wednesday 1 April 2015

Smoke House BBQ (by Biggs)

Tonight was family dinner night. After G failed to check if we could have dinner with the old Greek family down the road, I decided we would go to a smoke house.

We ordered wings and shrimp. The shrimp was crazy good. Crispy, savoury and delicious. The wings were good too. G thinks the vinegar was key.

The ribs were fine too but a bit too sweet. We topped things off with a cocktail. We win this round.

Oh, another thing, I think all dinners should come with a side of mac and cheese. Let's make that happen.

1 comment:

G said...

The shrimp certainly were close to perfection, and I could learn a thing or two about chicken wing cookery from those smokehouse folk.

Once again, a huge quantity of meat and booze was consumed - there are no complaints from me.