Wednesday 29 April 2015

Spring Rolls and Mushroom Noodle Broth (by Biggs)

It seems that 'Vegetarian Wednesday' has quickly turned into 'Mushroom Wednesday'. I've had this Chinese Mushroom Noodle Broth recipe in my back pocket for months but was always worried it wouldn't be filling, or satisfying, enough for dinner.

I overcame that possibility tonight by serving it with some packet spring rolls as an entrée. They were flavourless but fine.

The broth was vegetable stock, oyster and soy sauce as well as the liquid leftover from soaking some dried porcini mushrooms. Added to the broth were the dried mushrooms, bok choy, pak choy and spring onions. The recipe didn't say to add any fresh mushrooms but I fried some up and added them for good luck. The extra mushrooms were enoki, ummm....maybe king browns and, err....another type. You're not meant to eat mushrooms you don't know what are but they didn't seem to do us any harm.

I must say, the broth was delicious. And, I unnecessarily made it in our brand new wok which was very satisfying (not actually brand new - in fact, a hand-me-down from Fi and Dan since it won't work on their fancy induction cooktops!).

1 comment:

G said...

The broth was delicious - it was probably my favourite thing about dinner.

The commercially made spring rolls were not... they were still pretty good though.