Wednesday 22 April 2015

Mushrooms beside Toast (by G)

Wednesday is vegetarian day (for no particular reason - this new rule was Biggs' suggestion).

I had seen piles of lovely looking mushrooms in the market on the way to work, alas, by the time I had finished work they had disappeared, so I bought some less lovely looking supermarket ones - swiss browns and regular field mushrooms.

The concept was to simply fry them in a tonne of butter and season them with salt and pepper. Unfortunately I crowded the pan and the mushrooms dumped much of their water so I added some chicken gravy to thicken up the sauce. I don't know if the chicken gravy actually contains any chicken so this may still be a vegetarian meal.

Overall these were not the best fried mushrooms I've ever had. I served them beside the toast so that the toast wouldn't get soggy.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

I had an feeling we were going to have mushrooms for toast on dinner. I'm not sure what lead me to this conclusion but I was right. Even bad mushrooms on toast are pretty good, not saying these were bad. Mainly I was impressed that G remembered we had drunkenly agreed that Wednesdays are going to be vegetarian night. This was vegetarian right G?