Friday 17 April 2015

German Sausages and Asian Dumplings (by Biggs)

I really screwed G today. I promised him hot dogs, which he was most excited about, but for various reasons I bailed on that plan. I did however make the offering of German sausages as a potential substitute which he quickly agreed to.

So, back at the night markets eating German sausages we were.

Dumpling dessert was also a must.

The only thing particularly noteworthy from the evening was that the German sausage lady commented that my pronunciation of debreziner was prefect. She was impressed. Unfortunately I then went on to pronounce it an entirely different way so immediately lost her short-lived respect.

1 comment:

G said...

I've sampled the German sausages from here before so I knew they would be good - the dumplings were also excellent. This is the kind of utopic future we were promised in the 80's German Sausages and Asian Dumplings in the one meal.