Sunday 12 April 2015

Slow Cooked Lamb Shoulder with Anchovy (by G)

I was, uncharacteristically, cleaning out the fridge the other day and discovered we had a jar or anchovies in oil. I have no idea how long they have been there but I figured they are not the kind of thing to go out of date so I had a bit of a brainwave to incorporate them with some slow cooked lamb. I blitzed together some anchovies, capers, garlic, dried oregano and salt and spread this over a surprisingly cheap shoulder of lamb, then chucked that in the oven for about 4 hours - adding some squeezes of lemon juice at random intervals.

Later I blanched some baby broccoli and carrots and added some mushrooms to the oven and made a bit of an anchovy butter from butter, capers, anchovies, garlic and shallots.

The lamb was not as fall-off-the-bone tender as I had expected and the anchovy butter ended up tasting like just anchovies and butter, but - overall - this was a pretty successful meal.

The meat was not as appealing as shown below - I accidentally added a retro filter to the image giving it a classic 70's cookbook glow.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

G was a bit hard on himself with the cooking of the meat. I think the lamb was perfect. I think a bit of bite to meat suits....not everything needs to be slow cooked to oblivion.

The anchovy sauce was bangin'!!