Wednesday 15 April 2015

Vegetable Penne and Chicken Legs (by G)

In my head this was going to be more appealing than it turned out... It doesn't appear too appealing but it was pretty good. Corn and zucchini sautéed, then mixed with cooked penne, grated cheese and a but load of salt and pepper - then topped with some leftover BBQ chicken legs. I can't believe I was going to add carrot to the vegetable mix but was too lazy to par-boil them before sautéing...

Anyway, a note on the chicken. It was a fearfully expensive organic supermarket-barbequed chicken that was not overwhelmingly more tasty than the regular supermarket-barbequed (torture) chicken. I don't know what to think about that. I guess it's nice that it had a relatively happy life before being served up in a couple of relatively unhappy meals.

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