Wednesday 25 December 2013

Chicken Tortillas (by G)

'twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, G didn't much feel like cooking because he had to debone a frickin' turkey later.

Despite having a guest (Aaron) for dinner I didn't put much effort into this one. Diced up fresh chicken fried with onions, red capsicum, some chicken stock and sake - wedged into some tortilla wraps with a bunch of cheese then dry fried.  To add a glamourous touch I mixed an avocado with lime juice and slurmed it on top.

Despite the lack of effort, these turned out pretty well. I think it was the vast quantity of cheese I used - in total the three of us consumed about 200g of cheese each.

*I missed the cut-off again for this blog. Apologies.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

Yes. This was excellent. I do regret having seconds though. I can't feel my left arm and my breathing is very very heavy.