Friday 27 December 2013

Salads (by Biggs)

The plans for tonight were somewhat discombobulated. There is a lot of food in our house but nothing that could really make a substantial meal, we weren't sure how many people would be in our house and no one was really in the mood for cooking.

I decided I'd try to recreate a delicious chicken salad I made when G was overseas. I think I might have substituted one too many ingredients 'cause this salad turned out a little strange. It was lettuce, tomato, cucumber, turducken turkey, tortilla chips and a dressing of mustard and balsamic. The dressing went a weird brown colour and instantly wilted the lettuce which made it quite unappealing.

Fortunately G worked out he could quite easily knock up a potato salad. He does a good potato salad and this one probably saved dinner. G wanted me to mention that this potato salad featured two types of potatos - red ones and white ones.

G also served his dinner with Christmas ham.

1 comment:

G said...

Salad with chips - that's loco. I guess we did okay considering the circumstances. Neither of us starved so I consider it a job well done.