Sunday 15 December 2013

T-Bone Steak (by Biggs)

I've always been quite conscious of the fact I've never been in charge of lighting the BBQ in our household and I feel like that is a skill you should have by my age. So, tonight I got a couple of T-bone steaks and gave it a crack.
We had a huge number of BBQs in our childhood and I was always especially pleased whenever we had steak, fried tomatoes and crisps so was going to do that tonight. Unfortunately for G after my weekend of serious indulgence I decided instead for steak and salad.
G was aghast when I mentioned I was going to BBQ. I still haven't exactly established exactly why but I can only put it down to three possible issues:
1) He thought he was going to have to clean the BBQ grill,
2) He thought I would fail at lighting the BBQ and have to take over and cook dinner, or
3) He thought I'd left it too late to light the BBQ.....which I probably had.
But, for my first time I think I did okay. It took a long time for the BBQ to be ready for cooking then literally no time for the steaks to cook. They cooked so quickly I suspected they couldn't possibly be anything but rare however, the average cooking competition judge would declare these overdone.....a throwback to our youth.
I served the steaks with a quarter of an iceberg lettuce, half a tomato and half a cucumber each. I sprinkled some oil and balsamic over the veges but just a little since this was my Detox meal.

1 comment:

G said...

This steak was pretty professionally done - and I like a big chunk of lettuce heart. So bracing.

I've had T-bone steaks twice in the past week. That is a very privileged position to be in.