Sunday 5 January 2014

Hot English Mustard and Coleslaw Chicken Burger (by Biggs)

Well, I've had a pretty good run and was bound to fail at some point. Tonight I failed. I feel like G might regret this cooking equity thing we've got going.

We've been watching a feckload of cricket over the past few weeks and have therefore seen a feckload of advertisements from the sponsors. One particular sponsor has been selling chicken Aussie Burger vs an English Burger. Whist it didn't make me go and buy one it did make me decide to "cook" one.

Every time I saw the ad I mentioned that the hot English mustard and coleslaw burger really appealed to me. I knew I should have made it properly....make my own coleslaw, batter the chicken myself and perhaps even bake some bread.

Instead I bought white bread rolls, chicken in a box (41% chicken), packet coleslaw, mayo and mild English mustard (because G didn't handle the hot English mustard very well last time I used it and I'm guessing that's what the cricket sponsor uses also).

G was initially excited because he could smell chicken nuggets which he's a fan of. But, I have to admit this burger was a bit average. It was fairly tasteless and all a bit soft and texture-less.

1 comment:

G said...

There was very little chicken in this chicken burger. And the mustard was advertised as hot English and turned out to be mild English.

I put away my share of these burgers so I don't have too much to complain about.