Tuesday 28 January 2014

Mapo Tofu Tortillas (by G)

Just about every time I watch Iron Chef Chen (the Szechuan Sage) Kenichi is cooking Mapo Tofu so I thought, "What could be easier than stuffing a tortilla with Mapo Tofu.  Turns out nothing is easier.

You mix pork mince, silken tofu, ginger, garlic, chicken stock, Chinese cooking wine, soy sauce, red bean chilli paste and sugar then thicken it up with corn-flour slurry.  The Mapo Tofu was served with packet tortillas, cos lettuce leaves (to provide a barrier for the tortilla) and had spring onion for sprinkling on top.

Two criticisms - silken tofu is a pretty unappealing texture and should not be consumed.  There was no pork mince at the supermarket so I had to de-skin some pork sausages - though I love sausages this was not the texture I was going for either.

If I'm allowed one more criticism... this was not Chen's recipe - I think his would be much more flavourful.

1 comment:

Biggs said...

Mapo Tofu sounded so exciting! I think the Mapo bit was pretty good but the tofu bit was pretty....sigh.

Wrapping the mapo tofu in lettuce was pretty cool.

I like spring onions.....I wonder if the ones I planted out the back last week are still alive.