Friday 21 February 2014

Chicken, Olive and Chorizo Casserole (by Biggs)

In recent times I've really come around to the idea of slow cooking. It seems you can throw anything into a pot, jam it in the oven for an hour or two (or six) and it's delicious. Tonight, into a pot, I threw some fried off chicken thighs, onion, garlic, chorizo, rosemary, sage, stock and passata. After over an hour I added some kalamata olives and put some green beans on to steam.

I'm not going to be modest about this one. It was good. When I took it out of the oven the smell took me back to enjoying a glass of wine on the Mediterranean experience I've never even had.

Meanwhile, I hope G likes green beans because we've got about half a kilo of them in our fridge so there's going to be plenty of them in our near future.

1 comment:

G said...

Fork tender chicken in a rich, savoury sauce with a side of nicely cooked green beans - what could be better on a cold Winter's night?

It's still Summer, and pretty hot, but it only slightly less perfect as a result.