Thursday 20 February 2014

Winter Cobb Salad (by G)

A recent poll by tortillatuesday revealed that 0% of our readership has realised that, since the start of the year, Biggs and I have been alternating cooking nights.  According to the roster Biggs should have cooked tonight, but by prearrangement we swapped nights - so I'm cooking again. Just wanted to clarify that for the 0 people who will be lying awake at night wondering.

Anyway, I bought some smoked chicken legs last week with no real idea of what to do with them. When I realised I should do something with them at some point I did an internet search for 'smoked chicken leg recipes' - one of the results was a Winter cobb salad. It seemed good so here is the formula.

Pile a plate with lettuce, crispy bacon, blue cheese, celery, spring onion, chicken. Serve it with a side of bread, top with an egg, drizzle with a dressing of oil, vinegar, Dijon mustard and honey and viola - a Winter cobb salad.

I have to say, it all came together pretty easily - less easy was convincing Biggs that the smoked chicken was not smoked pig.

Comments: A1 tasty

1 comment:

Biggs said...

Bacon and ham hock all in one meal?!

Comments: A1 tasty