Thursday 6 February 2014

Peas, Pies and Piles of Fries (by Biggs)

I'm very lazy and there was a bag of fries in the freezer so I was definitely going to use them tonight. There was also a bag of peas in the freezer so I thought why the hell not!

Next, I had to decide what to serve with them on my budget of $5. I was hoping for pork chops but it turns out my concept of how much things cost is a little skewed so I was forced to go with pies. This meal is a favourite in our household especially since G coined it "Peas, Pies and Piles of Fries" a few years back.

At the risk of declaring a First World Problem, it shits me to tears that frozen chip packets claim they cook in 15 minutes. They took an hour, as did the pies and I don't think our crappy oven was the entire issue.

The peas took about a minute to cook and were almost the best thing on the plate.

1 comment:

G said...

The picture says it all. Well, it doesn't say, 'G ate this and enjoyed it', but it is true.

If this meal had a subtitle it would be, 'Cooked with love - eaten with a knife and fork'.

Oh, and the chips were nicely salted.