Monday 10 November 2014

Chicken Pie (by Biggs)

We love pies in our household so when I had some left-over 'faux-lapin a la moutarde' the other week I immediately decided I was going to stuff it inside a pie. G very observantly suspected there were two types of chicken in the pie. To bulk up the pie a bit I mixed in some chunks of chicken thigh in with the slow-cooked flakey chicken. I also added some bacon, parsley and peas to freshen the mixture a little. Some of you might argue that bacon doesn't 'freshen things up' but, you'd be wrong.

The vegetable component of dinner is some tiny taters and tiny asparagus. G loves baby vegetables and I do what I can to make the consumer happy.

1 comment:

G said...

I love all babies, but only when sautéed and eaten.

Chicken pie good. The world needs more chicken pie.