Sunday 2 November 2014

Faux-lapin a la Moutarde (by Biggs)

I wanted to do a rabbit dish this weekend so called up my local butcher and they assured me they would have rabbits bits ready for me.

When I arrived and asked for rabbit bits the conversation went a little something like this:

Biggs: "Can I please have some rabbit bits"
Butcher: "Yes, no problems" (walks out the back)
Butcher: (come back out) "The rabbit's frozen, is that okay?"
Biggs: "Yep"
Butcher: (walks out the back)
Butcher: "Nope, we don't have any rabbit"
Biggs: "Sigh"

I can't imagine what happened out the back. Instead, I bought some chicken thighs. So, not so much lapin in the end.

The chicken thighs were coated in dijon mustard, salt and pepper before being fried in plenty of butter. Separately, I fried off onion, garlic, mushrooms, thyme, sage and bay leaf. The flavours were dumped in with the chicken and water and wine were added. At this stage the sauce was equal parts water, wine and butter.

The whole lot was put in the oven and cooked for a good hours. I cooked some beans, thickened the sauce and this was the result:

1 comment:

G said...

For a rabbit dish this was a pretty good chicken dish. Like a fancy version of our family classic - chicken stewed in tinned chicken soup.